Best PCAT Prep Book


Which is the best PCAT prep book? Here are the top recommendations.

If you are looking to enter the pharmacology career, one of the important steps you should take is sitting for the PCAT exam. You can prepare for the PCAT through different options, including using study guides, PCAT prep software, as well as test preparation guides.

The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) is a difficult exam. This is why it is important to prepare for it well. Check our review of the best PCAT study guides to know which ones to go for.

Best PCAT Study Guides


Crack the PCAT – Premium EditionCrack the PCAT – Premium Edition

#110 practice exams
2420 questions
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Kaplan PCAT 2016-2017Kaplan PCAT 2016-2017

#22 practice examsRead Full Review

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PCAT Secrets Study GuidePCAT Secrets Study Guide

#340 practice questionsRead Full Review

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Peterson’s Master the PCATPeterson’s Master the PCAT

#42 practice examsRead Full Review

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Barron’s PCATBarron’s PCAT

#52 practice examsRead Full Review

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Best PCAT Prep Books Review

#1.  Crack the PCAT – Premium Edition

Crack the PCAT – Premium Edition

The best PCAT preparation book is the Crack the PCAT. This is actually an online prep course that goes above and beyond what you would find in other prep books on this list. The course has plenty of practice questions that will keep you busy as you prepare for the test. Apart from the test questions, the course includes video and text explanations of the answers to the questions. Studying the course will impart you with the knowledge you need to answer PCAT questions correctly.

The Crack the PCAT Premium Edition will analyze your performance after completing the practice questions. Through the report, you will be able to identify your weaknesses and, therefore, know where to focus on as you prepare for the PCAT examination. Working on your weaknesses will help to improve your test score as you will be spending more time studying the things that may give you a difficult time.

You can also compare your score with other students that are using the Crack the PCAT to prepare for the exam. This will help you know where you stand with your peers, and motivate you to work harder to improve your test score.

The Crack the PCAT comes with a money back guarantee. If you get below the minimum score, you will get a full refund.

Below is an overview of what is covered or included in Crack the PCAT:

  • There’s no expiration date of the PCAT prep software. You can keep practicing for as long as you want
  • You can compare your scores with others to know where you stand
  • Comprehensive video and text solutions
  • 2,000+ practice questions
  • 10 complete exams

The main issue you may have with the Crack the PCAT is that the study material is not a physical book but an online program. Therefore, if you don’t have a laptop, you may want to look for a physical book such as the Kaplan PCAT 2016-2017.

However, we highly recommend the Crack the PCAT to students that are looking for in-depth review and questions that will help them prepare for the exam.


  • Comes with a money-back guarantee if you score below the minimum score in your PCAT exam
  • You can compare your score with other students to know where you stand
  • Easy to identify your weaknesses through the analysis reports
  • Detailed videos and text explanations
  • Tons of practice questions


  • Only available as an online program

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#2.  Kaplan PCAT 2016-2017

Kaplan PCAT 2016-2017Another contender for the best PCAT prep book title is the Kaplan PCAT. This updated guide has all the information you need for this year’s exam. Therefore, you will not waste time studying outdated materials. Moreover, the book specifically covers the topics that are tested in the PCAT exam.

The Kaplan PCAT has cut-out study charts on the back. The charts are helpful when you want to get important facts about PCAT just a few days before the exam. You can tear the charts and cram them on your way to the exam room.

This PCAT study material from Kaplan provides an in-depth review of the concepts usually tested in the exams. The 888-pages book also includes:

  • Kaplan’s proven strategies on acing the PCAT exam
  • Practice questions for every subject
  • Detailed answers to the practice questions
  • 2 full-length exam-like practice tests


  • In-depth and thorough review of the test concepts
  • Tear-out study charts at the back that are useful for quick reviewing or cramming
  • Updated guide on PCAT test topics


  • We came across a few typos in the book

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#3.  PCAT Secrets Study Guide

PCAT Secrets Study GuideThe PCAT Secrets Study Guide also makes it on the list of the best PCAT preparation books. This book features comprehensive reviews of the concepts you are expected to be familiar with before taking the PCAT. The book explains the concepts thoroughly, ensuring you get all the details.

The PCAT prep book is well-organized and arranged in a logical manner. You will have an easy time studying as the sections naturally flow from one to the next. The logical flow of information will ensure you stay on track with what you are learning.

The PCAT prep book also includes:

  • Explanations of all the practice problems
  • A thorough and detailed overview of the exam
  • 50+ practice questions

The only issue we have with the PCAT Secrets Study Guide is that it has not been updated since 2016. Therefore, you may study a few things that may not be tested in this year’s PCAT exam. Moreover, you may end up not having a full grasp of new questions on the exam since the book does not cover them.


  • The content is laid out in a logical fashion, allowing you to easily transition from one section to the next
  • The content reviews concepts for the PCAT test in-depth


  • Not updated for the new exam

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#4.  Peterson’s Master the PCAT

Peterson’s Master the PCAT

The Peterson’s Master the PCAT is another excellent prep book you should check out. The book reviews PCAT topics in depth. By going through the book, you will learn everything you need for the exam.

Moreover, there are comprehensive explanations for the answers to the practice questions, which is important in helping you identify your mistakes. You know how frustrating it can be when a PCAT prep book indicates that an answer is incorrect but does not explain why. With the Peterson’s, the answers are explained to help you know why they are correct or incorrect.

Below is an overview of what is covered in the Peterson’s Master the PCAT prep book:

  • Diagnostic tests with answer explanations. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • Helpful information about registering for the exam, scoring, and reporting of scores
  • 2 full-length exams

This PCAT study material was last updated in 2016. Therefore, while it contains excellent information, it may not address all the topics you are likely to encounter during your test.


  • Has diagnostic tests that will help you figure out which areas you need to improve
  • Comprehensive reviews of the concepts tested in PCAT


  • Not updated for the new exam

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#5.  Barron’s PCAT

Barron’s PCAT

The Barron’s PCAT is out budget pick option in our list of the best BCAT prep study materials. The practice tests and questions in this book are thorough and detailed explained. The answer explanations get into the nitty-gritty on what makes them correct or incorrect. From the explanations, you will learn from your mistakes, which is crucial before sitting for the PCAT exam.

The Barron PCAT book has excellent exam tips and strategies that will be crucial to helping you save time on the test day.
Below is an overview of what is included in the Barron’s PCAT prep book:

  • Practice questions and answers
  • Review of all test topics
  • 2 full-length practice tests

The Baron’s PCAT is not updated for the new exam. Therefore, some of the things in the book may no longer be applicable in the new exam.

Apart from this, the Barron prep book does not cover concepts in-depth like other PCAT prep study materials we have covered on our list. Therefore, we recommend it if you are only looking to quickly brush your knowledge on the PCAT topics.


  • Excellent tips and strategies that will ensure you do not trip up during the exam
  • Extensive solution explanations


  • Concepts are not covered comprehensively
  • Not updated for the new exam

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Editor’s Verdict: Best PCAT Prep Course or Book

Any of the above PCAT prep study materials will help you prepare for the exam. However, we highly recommend Crack the PCAT for its in-depth coverage of the topics tested. The bundle goes in-depth on the topics you should know, has plenty of test questions and comes with a money back guarantee.

Our next best option is the Kaplan PCAT Review book. This is a good option if you do not have a laptop where you can study the Crack the PCAT guide.


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